Momentum Ventures
About Us Premium Rate Numbers Non Geographical numbers International numbers Contact Us
Innovative ways to make communication easy

Non Geographical numbers:

Because of the international nature of our business we are able to provide non-geographical number solutions in many countries.

Non-geographical numbers are a good way of keeping your private numbers out of the public domain – with number masking you can have a published number routed directly to your mobile or landline keeping your personal numbers safe.

Because of the variety of functions these numbers have in different countries please contact us for further details.

The range of these numbers includes Freephone, Shared Cost and Low Cost end user tariffs.


The advantages of these numbers (which are free for your end users to call) include:

- Improved customer satisfaction by providing free after sales support and feedback for your products and services

- Enhancing sales with the attraction of a Freephone sales line

- A great instrument for marketing and sales deals. Marketing and advertising campaigns can easily be tracked with these numbers.

Shared and Low Cost Numbers

As the name suggests these numbers are a shared or low cost between you and your customer. These numbers are a good tool for:

- Generating revenue for service, content or information line providers

- Giving your customers an essential image of your business – providing you with a national presence

- Easily transferable